Saturday, January 25, 2014

Retirement...for my MacBook!

Hello hello hello!!  I have MISSED you all so much!  Not just writing to you, but reading all you sweet bloggers as well!!!  Can you tell I'm excited to be back?!  I wanted to explain my ridiculous

Well, it finally 8 year old MacBook retired :(  It decided it had had enough.  So, there has been no blogging of TPTing for me until I scoped out my newest purchase.  I'm a Mac girl gone over to the HP side.  I kinda like it :) 

Anyway, no long blog tonight.  I'm heading off to finish setting up my new tech "baby".  Can't wait to catch up with you all...gosh, I have SO much to blog about :)  Thanks for your patience while I get back in the game!
