Friday, March 29, 2013

No longer a "lurker"!

Hey all! I am SO stinkin' excited to be writing this VERY FIRST post!!! I have no problem admitting that I have spent the past 6+ months being, what I guess you could call, a "lurker" know, stalking lurking over some of your stinkin' awesome blogs. I've had so much fun finding and pouring over some fabulous teacher blogs that I've found, and honestly, feel like I've made some new friends. It's been so refreshing to read about how passionate these gals are about our profession. It's totally breathed new life into some of my aspects of teaching.

In any case, I just wanted to write quickly to introduce myself! As the blog title suggests, I'm Ms. McSmartPants. My kiddos are also all in Joe McSmartPants, or Jane McSmartPants...everyone in my room is a smartypants, and how I address them each day. We giggle, but it's truly how I feel. Regardless of learning style, personalities, strengths, or struggles, every child is a smartypants. As educators, we just have to know how to draw that out.

I've been a teacher for 8 years in a wonderful district. I started out in a 5th grade inclusion classroom, then moved to 1st grade, and have currently landed in 3rd. WHICH. I. LOVE. *swoon* This grade level is just too much fun.

So, there it is. I cannot wait to share some of my journey with you. And while I'm getting this blog up and running, I'm doing the same over at Check out my store ( and all my crazy brainstorm creations.

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