**GUYS, I'm SO sorry!! I had this drafted and totally forgot to post it! Eek, a day late, but consider it your extra "rest day"!**
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! For those of you that are back in the classrooms, I'm sure this is a very welcomed day for you :) And for the rest of us, it's savoring every last bit of summer *sigh*. Either way, I'm stoked to make it a Happy FAB FIT Friday! So, here are my fit tips for this week...I'm going to throw these up here and save the "linky", but leave some comments and let me know some of your goals for this week!
{Quick disclaimer: *serious face* As excited I am to share with you, please note that I am a former certified personal trainer turned teacher/mommy :) But, I've always kept fitness as part of my lifestyle. Anything shared in these posts are merely my shared experiences. None of these tips/workout routines should be considered equivalent to medical advice. As always, consult a doctor before beginning ANY fitness routine or nutrition regiment. Use any of these tips at your own risk and discretion *serious face*}
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! For those of you that are back in the classrooms, I'm sure this is a very welcomed day for you :) And for the rest of us, it's savoring every last bit of summer *sigh*. Either way, I'm stoked to make it a Happy FAB FIT Friday! So, here are my fit tips for this week...I'm going to throw these up here and save the "linky", but leave some comments and let me know some of your goals for this week!
{Quick disclaimer: *serious face* As excited I am to share with you, please note that I am a former certified personal trainer turned teacher/mommy :) But, I've always kept fitness as part of my lifestyle. Anything shared in these posts are merely my shared experiences. None of these tips/workout routines should be considered equivalent to medical advice. As always, consult a doctor before beginning ANY fitness routine or nutrition regiment. Use any of these tips at your own risk and discretion *serious face*}
The absolutely best "bang for your buck" moves are the ones that combine cardio and strength in ONE move. You burn calories and fat WHILE you strengthen your muscles. Nuh-uh? Yup!
One of my go-to moves is both for beginners and the infamous love/hate move or most athletes: BURPEES...
Haha, totally made me laugh...but in any case, this amazeball move works you're ENTIRE body, plus helps completely torch calories. Here's a great diagram to help you with this move. *Note: when it says to kick back both feet, I step back quickly with one foot at a time. I have back issues, and definitely recommend you do the same. Also, in step 5, make sure you land softly on bend your knees to ensure you don't jar your joints/knees.
This smoothie incorporates RAW oatmeal, which is super good for your digestion. Dump all of the ingredients in, and wah-lah! I made my smoothie with gluten-free oats, rice milk, chocolate plant protein powder (this brand is crazy good), banana and peanutbutter. Mmmmm...try this one, and then experiement!

This is another ridiculously catchy tune that I CANNOT stop listening to :) This week's "Listen Up!" goes to Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis' "Thrift Shop"! {eek, just take a page from my book and ALWAYS get the edited versions!!} This is a song I specifically use for a cardio session...upbeat and a good pace:
And lastly, this quote needs no more explanation...let's commit to no more "yesterdays" and "tomorrows" :)
Be fit!!
I just have to state: I. HATE. BURPEES. They are the worst! They simply kick my butt. I guess that's proof that they are good for you, though, huh? :)
Crafting Connections
Ugh, Deb...aren't they killers?! I have to psych myself up to do them, hehe, but then LOVE how I feel after :)