Monday, September 30, 2013

Loving this here's a FREEBIE!

How do you celebrate the fact that the school year is off to SUCH a great start?!  By giving away a FREEBIE!  More on that in a minute...

Oh my gosh, my iPhone is chock full of photos from the past couple of weeks at school and my notebook is OVERflowing with blog post ideas.  We've been inundated with our brand new math (and some new ELA) module curriculum, so blogging time has been so scarce :(  But not anymore!  So I've got a freebie for ya' to grab!

We have spent a HUGE amount of time modeling and practicing our ELA workshop, and one of those topics have been identifying genres.  In 3rd grade, they're pretty solid on the difference between fiction and non-fiction, but not well versed in the specific genres.  So this handy little 'thang is for them to keep on hand.

Go ahead and grab it over at my TPT store!  Ok, so many posts comin' your way.  Get ready...


Friday, September 13, 2013

My classroom & 1st week!

Hellllloooooo all!!  Whew, it's Friday night the first full week of school.  Know what that means?!  Sweatpants and a ponytail :)  Hehe...I swear, I think as teachers our bodies know when Friday night rolls around and just refuses to function normally, aka, snuggle with your loved ones and relax.

I hope you all had a FANTASTIC first week back!  We had school two days last week, but we got to really sink our teeth in these past few days.  In any case, I'm so glad to be back on a blogging schedule. I love setting up for a new class, but it definitely feels like a marathon-whirlwind event :)

So much happened this week that I'm going to throw up a couple of different posts, starting with just a quick view of some of my classroom!  I figured I can postpone "Fab Fit Friday" in honor of a relaxing first Friday evening :)

The top pick is my crazy cute new Bucket Fillin' Classroom Bulletin Board!!!  It got a completely new facelift this summer, and I am in love <3  I posted about my bucket fillin' management system here.  You can also grab it over at my TPT store.  I've completely implemented this with my kiddos and they are so excited.  And between you and me, it always works WONDERS to address kind and appropriate behavior immediately.  

Next is my objective board...some of you might have something similar.  With our new standards, Common Core, APPR, and LMNOP (I'm just kidding with the last one, but sometimes I feel like acronyms are coming out of my ears!), we had to start posting daily objectives in our room.  THESE bad boy mini-whiteboard frames were a STEAL at Christmas Tree Shop.  $1.47 each.  ONE DOLLAR AND FORTY SEVEN CENTS!  I admittedly get way too excited about school supplies :)  Each pencil cut-out is a label for each subject, and the corkboard around each allows for easy hanging of any misc. items having to do with that subject.  Underneath is my kiddos' Supply Station.  Easy access to all supplies, all the time.  *Swoon*  No more stopping lessons to replace a glue stick or a pair of scissors...

Lastly, my little ol' classroom Library, or as I like to call it, my Kid Cave.  It's TOTALLY a work in progress, but it's a start.  I'm still looking for some inexpensive and cute lamps for the bookshelves.  And, at the risk of you noticing and me not explaining (ahem), I still have to finish painting the bookshelves :(  I started the blue one, and have lime green for the other, but it poured rain the last few days of classroom set-up.  There went getting those bad boys done in the beautiful sunshine outside the school.  Stink.  Trying to find some time to do that asap!

A LOT of the other pics of my room have to do with DIY projects or activities that I want to post specifically about, so I'll stop there for now :)

Time to go do that relaxing and snuggling I was talkin' about :)  Have a great night, ya'll...