Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fab Fit Friday!

**GUYS, I'm SO sorry!!  I had this drafted and totally forgot to post it!  Eek, a day late, but consider it your extra "rest day"!**

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!  For those of you that are back in the classrooms, I'm sure this is a very welcomed day for you :)  And for the rest of us, it's savoring every last bit of summer *sigh*.  Either way, I'm stoked to make it a Happy FAB FIT Friday!  So, here are my fit tips for this week...I'm going to throw these up here and save the "linky", but leave some comments and let me know some of your goals for this week!

{Quick disclaimer: *serious face* As excited I am to share with you, please note that I am a former certified personal trainer turned teacher/mommy :)  But, I've always kept fitness as part of my lifestyle.  Anything shared in these posts are merely my shared experiences. None of these tips/workout routines should be considered equivalent to medical advice.  As always, consult a doctor before beginning ANY fitness routine or nutrition regiment.  Use any of these tips at your own risk and discretion *serious face*}

The absolutely best "bang for your buck" moves are the ones that combine cardio and strength in ONE move.  You burn calories and fat WHILE you strengthen your muscles.  Nuh-uh?  Yup!

One of my go-to moves is both for beginners and the infamous love/hate move or most athletes: BURPEES...

Haha, totally made me laugh...but in any case, this amazeball move works you're ENTIRE body, plus helps completely torch calories.  Here's a great diagram to help you with this move.  *Note: when it says to kick back both feet, I step back quickly with one foot at a time.  I have back issues, and definitely recommend you do the same.  Also, in step 5, make sure you land softly on bend your knees to ensure you don't jar your joints/knees.

OH.MY.WORD.  Seriously, this week's recipe is a to-die-for smoothie I made my breakfast for the past 4 days :)  I know we're all about grabbing a quick, but super healthy breakfast.  And the protein pancake recipe I posted last FFF is awesome.  But, I wanted to experiment!

This smoothie incorporates RAW oatmeal, which is super good for your digestion.  Dump all of the ingredients in, and wah-lah!  I made my smoothie with gluten-free oats, rice milk, chocolate plant protein powder (this brand is crazy good), banana and peanutbutter.  Mmmmm...try this one, and then experiement!

This is another ridiculously catchy tune that I CANNOT stop listening to :)  This week's "Listen Up!" goes to Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis' "Thrift Shop"!  {eek, just take a page from my book and ALWAYS get the edited versions!!}  This is a song I specifically use for a cardio session...upbeat and a good pace:

And lastly, this quote needs no more explanation...let's commit to no more "yesterdays" and "tomorrows" :)

Be fit!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

{Pinspiration} Sweet Words

Hey ya'll!  I hope everyone is having a GREAT night :)  I wanted to start a series of posts called {Pinspiration}.  Because...duh...we all adore Pinterest, right?!  Some stuff I find on there is WAY too good not to share.  Anything from lesson plans to organization ideas to amazing quotes.  Some if it you may have even seen some of these pins yourselves.

This first "pin-spired" quote is one of my favs...and how timely is it for the beginning of the school year?!  I spent another full day in my classroom today setting up.  If I'm honest, I actually LOVE this time of year.  It's like a fresh start, and I'm always bursting with so many new ideas and procedures to implement.

Buuuut, on the flipside, I also kinda overwhelm myself from time to time.  Anyone?  ANYONE?  Yeah, all of those Pinterest ideas, professional development brainstorms, etc...once I actually sit down to do them all, it can seem a bit daunting.

So, here I am taking my own advice and telling all of you fellow overachievers out there: r.e.l.a.x. 

We're teachers.  We CAN do anything...but we CAN'T do everything.

And you know what?  Let's be ok with that.  We will get it all done.  The first day of school will (or already has) happen, and we will have an amazing year.  So, for the rest of the night, put your feet up, grab some coffee, remember how blessed you are, and know it will all fall into place.

Have a great rest of the night!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

WOW Word Poster Sets and Flashcards

Happy Tuesday, all!  I hope you had a FABULOUS weekend and enjoyed some down time.  For some of you, it was probably sweet relaxation from the beginning of school, and some of you are soaking up the last few weeks of summer :)  I've been busy in my classroom, but took the day at home to catch up on some work and here it goes!

Today's blog is all about my beloved WOW Word curriculum.  I started using this system a few years ago when I first switched to 3rd grade.  They're at that stage in their learning where the "eye roll" starts....*gasp*.  Yeah, I said it.  Something about this adorable stage lends itself to the kiddos wising up a bit...they're not as easily excited about EVERYTHING school related.  Something like "vocabulary work" or "vocabulary journal" elicited groans.  It does sound a bit boring, right?!  Enter WOW Words! 

These WOW Word sets are basically frequently used words beefed up a bit.  I hold my students accountable to use these words in their daily journal writing, as well as ALL of their writing assignments.  We spend a lot of time at the beginning of the year doing the standard "boring vs. vivd" words.  I have my students use AT LEAST one WOW word in their Writing Journal every day {take a peek at my Writing Grids to see how we do writing journals, McSmartPants style ;)}

When my students enter the room each morning, I have a WOW Word poster displayed on the front board.  HINT: I actually have these in a binder in page protectors.  I just pull the poster out each morning and pin it to my objective bulletin board.  I have my students copy down the word and definition in a journal specifically for these words.  They move straight into their Writing Grid work, where again, they must use a minimum of one WOW word per entry.

Sounds simple, right?  I can promise you one thing, it is AMAZING to hear how sophisticated the kiddos' writing sounds after just a few weeks.  They absolutely LOVE this curriculum!!  My students take this on as such a challenge and take HUGE pride in knowing that their writing sounds sophisticated.

SO, seeing how much my kiddos love this system, I'm taking it one step further this year.  I've actually created WOW Word Flashcards to use in my Word Work centers this year!  These flashcards sets can be used during writing or reading centers as a way for students to truly integrate these vocabulary words into not only their writing, but their speaking as well.

Whew, enough blabbering.  You can take a peek at the WOW Word Set #1 in my TPT store right here
and the flashcards here!

Have a great afternoon!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

TPT Back To School Sale!!!!!!!

It's HEEEEEEEEERE!!!!!  Oh my word, I am just tickled to be participating in my FIRST ever TeachersPayTeachers (TPT) Back to School Sale!!!!  

I am so overwhelmed by all of you who have taken a chance and purchased some of my new products. I hope you are LOVING them as much as I am!  So, I am honored to join the group of TPT sellers saying "thank you" with a sale.

My store is still a newbie, but growing every day!  I can't wait to show you what else I've been working on!

So, head on over to my TeachersPayTeachers store and get your shop on :)  Don't forget to enter the site's code (BTS13) for extra savings!

Again, THANK YOU for all of your support and CANNOT wait to see what this year holds!


Friday, August 16, 2013

Eeek, my classroom...the dreaded BEFORE!

Hello all!  I cannot BELIEVE it's Friday again :)  What a crazy week it has been!  I've been busy preparing new products, getting ready for the TPT sale, and drumroll...getting into my CLASSROOM!!!

Like I've posted before, we weren't supposed to get into our rooms until later in the month, but I was able to take advantage of an afternoon recently.  And boy, am I glad I went.  Sometimes, just being there and picturing how I want to arrange things.  And honestly, sometimes "mental organization" is just as important as physical organization, hehe...can I get an amen?!

So, tonight's post is short, but I thought I'd put up a few BEFORE pictures of what I walked into on Wednesday morning.  Hopefully it will look a heckofalot better when I post next...

I opted for tables rather than desks a few years ago...I love them!  And can you tell my little "half wall"in this picture?  I teach in a wing that's open, so we don't have full walls...hehe, makes for some interesting teaching, but I love it.

I have a little bin and Sterilite drawer obsession, and with all of our new math manipulatives that we're getting this year, I'll be needing some more bins :)
My desk is under there SOMEWHERE?!?!

Ugh, there are very few things I dislike more than naked bulletin boards and walls...

Thank goodness we have a couple of weeks left before school...looks like I have my work cut out for me!

How are your rooms looking?!  

Have a great night, all!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fab Fit Friday--The FIRST linky party!

Happy Friday!!!!  And WELCOME to my very first "FAB FIT FRIDAY" Linky Party!  Woo hoo :)  If you're reading this blog for the first time, you can read about why in the world I'd be hosting a health & fitness on an education blog here.
So, here's what I'll be doing each week for our linky party.  I'll be providing ONE workout move, ONE fitness tip, fact, or inspirational tidbit, ONE sweet tune to download onto your workout ipod playlist, and ONE delicious, yet nutritious recipe to throw in that lunch bag or whip up for your fam after a great day in the classroom.  
THEN, I'll have a link for YOU to fill out and link up and share.  Sound good?!  Here we goooooo!

{Quick disclaimer: *serious face* As excited I am to share with you, please note that I am a former certified personal trainer turned teacher/mommy :)  But, I've always kept fitness as part of my lifestyle.  Anything shared in these posts are merely my shared experiences. None of these tips/workout routines should be considered equivalent to medical advice.  As always, consult a doctor before beginning ANY fitness routine or nutrition regiment.  Use any of these tips at your own risk and discretion *serious face*}

I definitely wanted to start out the first Linky Party Workout Move with something a little bit basic.  Next week, I'll be giving you a great key workout move to kick your sweat session up a notch!  BUT, let's quickly talk equipment before we dive in any further.  If you have a gym membership and the time, rock on, sista'!  But, I have a feeling a lot of you (like me) struggle with extra time, so have to workout at home.  Here are some pieces of equipment you should have on hand to ensure a kick-butt workout in your living room :) :

-exercise mat
-3 pair of hand weights (a light pair, medium weight pair, and heavier pair)
-resistance bands, if you'd prefer over hand weights
-jump rope
-exercise ball (larger in size, but small enough to sit on comfortably)
*I have ALL of these and got all of them over the years at Target!!  See, I'm giving you another excuse to head over the BullsEye Land*

Feelin' Fancy (if you want to go the extra mile)
-BOSU ball
-kettlebell (start out lighter than you think you'll need and work up)
-medicine ball

If you have some/any of these, way to go!  If you don't have any, however, don't despair.  I'll be gearing the workouts to both those of you that have a gym home, and who make your home your gym.

I fell hard in love with this recipe back in college when I first started training myself.  I've tweaked it over the years, combined different recipes, and come up with something that works for me.  My Protein Pancake recipe is a lifesaver EVERY morning when I'm running out the door to work.  Honestly, I eat it at any time during the day, but this is so easily made at night at popped in the refrigerator for the morning.  It's full of complex carbs and protein (eggs!)...and it's so versatile that you could make it sweet or savory.  Check it out:

Protein Pancake Recipe
3/4 cup quick cook oatmeal (that's super important to have quick cook)
1 egg white
2 whole eggs (or use simply 4 egg whites overall)
1 T water

Wisk ingredients together into a smooth batter.  Add sweet or savory ingredients. Spray a pain with non-stick cooking spray, then cook in a pan/griddle like a pancake and serve (note, it took me a couple tries to get the "flip" right due to the consistency.  Hang'll get there!).    For savory, try adding a pinch of salt and pepper, a bit of garlic powder, and 1/4 cup cheddar cheese. Or, make the above batter, and add some Splenda and any fruit of your choice.  Try blueberries, or mix chopped apples with cinnamon and nutmeg.  A great fall flavor is 1/4 cup pureed pumpkin with 2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice.  See how you can do a million different flavors?  Yay!
We all need a little motivation sometimes!  In this section, I'll be providing tips, tricks, Pinterest favs, etc. to keep the motivation flowin'!  
I LOVED this pin when I saw it.  


I'm definitely an equal opportunity music listener, but my bootcamp music playlist is usually all about heart-pumping, fun, motivating tunes :)  And I will admit, I am a huge country girl, hehe.  SO, what could be better than when hip hop and country come together and have a music baby?!  My current OBSESSION!  This week's Listen Up tune goes to Cruise by FLorida Georgia Line feat. Nelly.  Such a fun and ridiculously catchy song. 


Now, it's YOUR turn!!!  Here's your linky pic...let's kick this off by sharing some of our goals and healthy snack tips.  Can't wait to be fit with all of you!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Fab Fit Fridays"--Join My Linky Party!!

Hey all!  I'm SO excited about this evening's post!!!!!  I've learned so much this summer from all ya'll (or as we say here in NY, "you's guys").  One thing that I've enjoyed learning about and participating in are these adorable LINKY PARTIES!  Woot woot :)  But beware, they're super fun and addicting!

So, because I've enjoyed them so much, I've decided to host one myself...starting this week, come on over and join me for "FAB FIT FRIDAYS"!!!

You might be scratching your head and wondering why I'd choose such a linky party on a teaching/education blog.  Well, here's the full disclosure...

As teachers, we give ALL of ourselves every day, not only taking care of our students, but our families as well.  That is even MORE of a reason to take some time and pay attention to our own needs and our own health!  The inspiration for this linky party comes from what I call my "past life"...I was actually an NASM certified personal trainer and boot camp instructor for 6 years while starting my teaching career...surprise!  My secret is out :)  I actually still teach occasional boot camp courses for my district.  The MOST IMPORTANT advice I would ever give my training clients is this: "You're only as good to others as you are to yourself."  If you're not taking care of you, how can you expect to take care of others??

I can hear some of you now...wracking your brain for the time, resources, motivation, what have you.  And believe me...I GET IT.  Totally 100% get it.  As a new mom of a 9-month old precious bundle, it's even been a challenge for me, too.

SOOOOO...let's DO something about it!  Let's get this linky party started.  I will be providing workouts, fitness tips, healthy recipes, and health and fitness tricks to implement into your weekly routines.  We'll all link back and help encourage each other throughout the week.  Let's not JUST be encouragers of one another's careers, but our HEALTHLY lifestyles as well.

Interested???  Come back this Friday to get more info...can't wait!  HOORAH!

Absent Folder/Absent Buddies...a lifesaver!

courtesy of Scrappin' Doodles
Hey all...Happy Wednesday!  I'm reading that SO many of you are in your classrooms workin', workin'.  I'm a little jealous, I will admit.  We don't start school until early September, but our official "clear" date to head to our rooms is August 19th...boooo.  But that's ok, because this little ol' teacher has LOTS of projects I'm working on in the meantime and can't WAIT to share with you!
I absolutely LOVE creating and utilizing routines and systems in my classroom that allow students to take on responsibility and ownership.  The kiddos feel such a sense of ownership when they play a huge role in helping the classroom run smoothly.  There are lots of systems that I've tried and loved, and some I've tried that have failed.  But that's why I love all of you out there in blog're willing to share things that have worked for you!  So, it's my turn...Many of these projects I've used for a while, and they are my tried and true tricks.  BUT, because I'm a SUPER visual person, they needed facelifts!  Is it just me, or the prettier something looks, the more I love using it?!  Today is all about one of my FAV time savers, the ABSENT FOLDER!

A few years back, I was noticing myself rushing at the end of the day to gather assignments for students that were absent, organize them, and then scribble a note explaining them before they got sent home.  Whew!  As if we don't have enough to do during the day.

Enter the Absent folder!  I use manilla folders to set these up.  I attach the cover to the outside of the folder.  I also attach the "Welcome Back" letter on the inside of the folder.

Here's how these work:
(1) When students come in to the classroom each morning, they follow our daily routine.  If they notice one of their tablemates are absent, the person to the LEFT of the absent student is their "Absent Buddy".  They are responsible for the missing classmate's assignments. (Even though this is a required task, I sweeten the deal a bit by awarding two Bucket Fillers for each student who takes on this task.  My kids LOVE being absent buddies :)  Oh, and if you don't know what my "Bucket Fillers" are, check out the complete management and reward system here.

(2) The absent buddy will retrieve an Absent Folder and a copy of the "What You Missed Today" chart.  These are all located in a bin in the front of the classroom.

(3) Throughout the day, the absent buddy is responsible for collecting all worksheets/materials/assignments that are handed out and put them in the folder.  They are to record the name of the assignment under the appropriate subject (math, science, ELA, etc.).  They write the assignment in the "Complete" column if I need it turned in to me, or under the "Review" column if it's something the student needs to look over, but I don't need!

(4) Many times, parents call to have work missed sent home with a sibling, or request a pick-up.  If they do, no worries, easy-peasy!!  I just grab the Missed Work chart, all materials in the folder, and staple a copy of the "We Missed You Letter" at the top...TAH-DAH!!!!!!  No extra work for you!

(5) If a student returns the next day and did not receive the work that night, they may quietly conference with their Absent Buddy.  The missed work can be done during free time, if they finish work early during class, or homework.

And THAT'S IT!!!!  What a sigh of relief--did I mention I'm IN LOVE with this system?!?!

You can grab two different designs of these Absent Folder Packets in my TPT store here and here.  I'll be adding more designs to come.  Have a design request?  Email me at! 

Have a GREAT day :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

"Bloglovin'" It!

Hello sweet readers!  Can I just say that EVERY time I post, or read your posts on your own blogs, my heart is so full?!  How lucky we are to be in a profession that supports, encourages, and just has fun together, all while sharing our ideas and passion for the classroom?!  Yes, I just risked writing a run-on sentence so I could express my judging, hehe :)

ANYWAY, this post is kind of lagging behind many of you...but in case you've been under a rock with me, all of our favorite blogs are hoppin' on over to "Bloglovin'" in place of Google Reader.  I'm loving having all of my favorite blogs in one place to peruse while sipping my coffee.

So, I'm joining in!  I'm adding you all to my Bloglovin' roll, and you can do the same.  Check out the Bloglovin' gadget on the right hand side of this little ol' blog.

Ok, I'm off to do my bloggy reading...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August "Currently"

I cannot believe I only discovered sweet Farley's "Currently" link up until this summer...wah!  But, love all the fellow bloggers it puts me in touch with!  So, without further adieu, here's my August Currently!